Guidance for Authors
Regnum Books published the work of scholars associated with OCMS, commissioned work and welcomes unsolicited manuscripts in the fields of Christian mission and global Christianity.
Regnum Books seeks to establish a list of exceptional quality, characterized by fresh, original and relevant research, reaching significant conclusions.
Please keep in mind that there are different series within our publishing list. Regnum Studies in Mission and Global Christianity is at a more advanced level, whilst the Regnum Practitioner and mini-book Series aim for a more general audiences.
- All work will be assessed by the members of the Regnum Editorial Team.
- The Publisher’s decision will be final.
- Prospective authors should complete in full the Regnum Book Proposal Form and email it to
Regnum will:
- acknowledge receipt of the proposal form within one working week;
- give you an indication within one month as to whether the proposal has been rejected or is being sent for further review;
- give you a final decision within three months.
Please keep in mind:
- If the proposal is based on a PhD thesis, you will be asked to extensively re-work the manuscript so that it is acceptable as a book, rather than an academic thesis (see ‘Thesis to Book’ on p.17 of this guide for help on this).
- We publish primarily in English. If English is your second language, and your book is to be written in English, you will need to find or pay for professional help in editing your manuscript.
- We only publish a small number of books each year, and try to capture a diversity of authors, regions and subjects. A rejection does not necessarily mean that your book is not worthwhile - we simply cannot publish all the books that are submitted to us.
- Our books are primarily text-focused, so whilst they can accommodate images, maps, tables etc., these cannot be the primary focus of the book.
- Regnum does not publish devotional or biographical books.
To start the process please complete and send the Book Proposal Form.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions.